Role of religion motives and brand image towards consumer satisfaction and consumer loyalty of islamic banking. Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Brawijaya.Īyuni, R. Pengaruh Tingkat Kesehatan Bank Menurut Risk Based Bank Rating terhadap Kinerja Keuangan (Studi pada Bank Umum Syariah di Indonesia). Eurasian Journal of Business and Management, 2020 - .Īstutik, P., & Djazuli, A. The Importance of creating of customer loyalty in achieving sustainable competitive advantage. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 2013 - .Īrslan, I. Islamic banks Contrasting the drivers of customer satisfaction on image, trust, and loyalty of Muslim and non-Muslim customers in Malaysia. Journal of research in marketing, 2019 - core.ac.uk.Īmin, M., Isa, Z., & Fontaine, R. Empirical conceptualization of Customer loyalty on relationship marketing and sustained competitive advantage. Amfiteatru economic, 2015 - .Īffran, S., Dza, M., & Buckman, J. The relationship among image, satisfaction and loyalty – innovative factor of competitiveness for shopping centers. Journal of Islamic Marketing, .Ībrudan, I. Service Quality, Religiosity, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Engagement and Islamic Bank’s Customer Loyalty. Yogyakarta : Penerbit Andi.Ībror, A., Patrisia, D., Engriani, Y., Evanita, S., Yasri, Y., & Dastgir, S. The result of data analysis from the survey shows that there is significant influence of rivalry merger, bank financial health rating, and customer loyalty to the competitive advantage.Ībdillah, W. The research utilizes quantitative method to test the hypothesis by using Partial Least Square (PLS). The research objective is to analyse the influence of rivalry merger, bank financial health rating, and customer loyalty to the competitive advantage of BMI. Internally, BMI attempts to strengthen its capital as one of indicator in bank financial health rating. Thus, in last few years it is always the champion in term of customer loyalty among the public sharia banks. BMI is known as the first and purely sharia bank, which owns strong customer base. (BMI), which is categorized in one of strategic group, is expected to be affected by considering that both BMI and the three state sharia banks have alike market segment. The Government had taken initiative to strengthen the sharia banking market by merging the three state sharia banks. The growth of the sharia banking market in Indonesia tended to stagnate.